Meet the founder

Hi there :) My name is Stella and this is my shop!

I originally started this business as a way to share my art with others in a unique and fun way ♡

When I first started my shop in 2018, it was ran out of a tiny box I decorated with lights and flowers. I would set up my box at different events and offer tarot for tips and thus the Fairy Box Shop found its origin.

I loved this business so much I eventually created an etsy page, a youtube channel and this beautiful website!

If you’re interested in learning more about me, follow me on social media! I also make music :)



My goal with Fairy Box Shop is to use its origin story as a way to inspire others to not settle for less.

To use tarot as a way to help guide and lead others through their own darkness and into the light.

And to use my creative talents as a way to express my love for the world and those who truly need it.


to inspire others to follow their dreams, share their art and live a life with divine purpose.

to create art and products with intention, love and passion.

and to bring healing and awareness into the communities I serve.


Connect with FBS

Facebook | YouTube | TikTok


STLA ROSE - Stella Rose

Instagram | Facebook | YouTube